It was early this morning.  Valentines Day.  Cool for Florida but pleasant for us Northern types.  I was taking my daily hike.  Only a few fellow hikers.

And on this day I saw love on the beach. There they were.  A man and a woman. Two children—twins(?) maybe 3 years old. Curley hair, brown skin.  The Daddy took each in turn, held their feet up and they walked on their hands to the edge of the surf.  He then lifted them up, tossed them into the air and caught them.  They squealed with delight. “Do it again.  Do it again Daddy.”

I applauded and shared a moment of delight with these children. They may not remember this day when they get older but love will be in their flesh as their parents spend time loving their kids on the beach.

Further down the beach I heard a small plane. I looked into the bright blue sky and saw a bright yellow Cessna. It was dragging a sign behind it.  The sign read, “Erika Will You Marry Me?”
I looked ahead of me and there were a couple kissing.  A little girl stood and watched. The woman and man then took out their cell phones and took a picture of the plane as it circled out over the water. As I got closer the woman jumped up and down screaming with delight.  I went over, applauding.  She was grinning from ear to ear holding up a shiny ring and showing the little girl.  She said to me, “He’s crazy—an airplane.” 

I applaud crazy love in all its forms. Parents with children, commitment of lovers.  This love on the beach made my heart sing as I smiled my way down the beach.