Coaching & Consulting


Executive Coaching is the art of helping people identify and achieve their desired leadership goals.  Leaders who are deeply invested with their organizations often lose a critical perspective that comes from stepping back and asking the questions about broader and longer range goals.  Organizational systems recruit people to play certain roles in that system.  Leaders need to both play some of those roles and also offer alternative perspectives so that the organization can be ready to adapt to changing times.  Dr. Moseley coaches both executives of non-profit organizations and business leaders as well as clergy in congregations, helping them achieve their goals for their organizations.  He offers both a critical eye to help others see themselves and their needs as well as a wealth of experience in leading congregations. 


All lively organizations are in constant change.  They are in transition between what they were in the world of yesterday as well as what they are becoming in the world of tomorrow.  Transitions create conflict and loss.  Dr. Moseley works with organizations and their leaders in helping them identify the changes, losses and dreams and helping the leaders guide them into a new future.  For organizations to fully embrace their future and release their energy for fulfilling their dreams they need to attend to the pain of loss that comes with the changes so they can celebrate the achievement of dreams for the life of the future.  By attending to the pain of loss an organization clarifies what is important from its past for shaping its future.  Dr. Moseley works with leaders in workshops and by coaching to help these transitions produce the positive results everyone desires.