Sometimes we can get overwhelmed by the constant flow of news of humans hurting and wounding each other. The nature of news is to report that which attracts attention. That is most often the scandals and bazaar activities of individuals and groups.

But, there are times that we get to participate in events that build up rather than tear down. “Spirit and Place” is one such activity in the Indianapolis area. I am privileged to share in leading one of the events this year.

Each year dozens of city-wide events are created and shared around a given theme. This year the theme is “Home.” I and delighted to share with The Threshold Singers in a Spirit and Place event which will take place at Central Christian Church, 701 North Delaware in Indianapolis. On Sunday, November 6 at 2:00 p.m. we will share in offering a program “Being at Home with Loss, Death and Dying.” The Threshold Singers is a group who provides comfort to those who are dying by singing at their besides. They will share their story and some of their music.

I will then follow with a conversation about how to grieve the losses that come to all of us. I will point to the love, the faith and the hope that sustains us in our various journeys through loss and change.

These presentations will be followed by opportunity to visit a dozen booths of organizations who offer assistance to those who are dying and those who love them.

I hope you will join me in supporting these positive activities that are happening in our city. These opportunities can enrich your life and the lives of those you love. 

For more information click https://gallery.mailchimp.com/81fb7b49a3aabfa33c30cc402/files/Spirit_and_place_flyer_2016.pdf